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administrator of the government造句

  • After that, Cancel was appointed as Administrator of the Government Retirement System.
  • It was in the Chief Justice Robert Taschereau as Administrator of the Government in the absence of a viceroy.
  • When acting in place of the Governor-General, the Chief Justice is known as the Administrator of the Government.
  • The Administrator of the Government Robert Wynyard appointed Campbell as James Coates five weeks after the House's first sitting.
  • The first meeting of parliamentarians was held on 24 May, followed by a Colonel Wynyard, the Administrator of the Government.
  • When Governor General Lord Tweedsmuir died in office on February 11, 1940, Chief Justice Duff became the Administrator of the Government.
  • That task was left to the Administrator of the Government, Robert Wynyard who opened the 1st New Zealand Parliament on 24 May 1854.
  • "The prices are being fixed " by the govesnment X904s administrator of the government's Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
  • Administrators of the government logistics agency employees'fund have said that Sowondo duped them by using the president's name to obtain the money.
  • In 1930, the seminary was awarded state approval for courses in home economics and business by the chief administrator of the government for the region of Magdeburg.
  • It's difficult to see administrator of the government in a sentence. 用administrator of the government造句挺难的
  • He became a member of the Board of Trustees and Administrator of the government-owned corporation while also serving as Chairman of the Guarantee Fund for Small and Medium Enterprises.
  • During the Rising he was in and out of the GPO, and was requested to set up as " Civil Administrator of the Government of the Republic " with four others.
  • As Vice President, Hatta quickly established himself as the day-to-day administrator of the government, with Sukarno setting government policy and then trying to win support for it.
  • As vice president, Hatta quickly established himself as the day-to-day administrator of the government, with Sukarno setting government policy and then trying to win support for it.
  • Prior to the granting of responsible government in 1856, the Colonial Secretary ( the colonial equivalent of the Minister of Internal Affairs ) acted as Administrator of the Government in absence of the Governor.
  • In 1844, an administrator of the Government who had restored a certain degree of law and order in Goa directed that even the people of the lower strata of society should appear properly dressed in public.
  • He noted that Tom Scully, administrator of the government's Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, had acknowledged that " there were some gray areas " in practices related to billing for outpatient therapy.
  • Dr . Gail R . Wilensky, a Bush campaign adviser and former administrator of the government office that runs Medicare, said that giving money to the states was " the fastest way to get money out short-term ."
  • Rinfret was acting Governor General ( or Administrator of the Government ) in 1952 after the departure of Harold Alexander, 1st Earl Alexander of Tunis and until Vincent Massey could officially take his vice-regal post; during this time he George VI.
  • The year after Friend's arrival in New Zealand, the Administrator of the Government Robert Wynyard appointed him as an Extra Clerk in the Office of the Auditor General and, in June 1855, he was promoted to the position of Second Clerk.
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